power units online conversion

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Free Online Power Converter

The Online Power Converter from Intemodino is a free online power converter that allows you to convert power units in Standard (US), Imperial and Metric systems. You can convert watts (W), kilowatts (kW), horsepowers (electric) (hp(E)), horsepowers (metric) (hp(M)), foot-pounds per hour (ft-lbf/h), foot-pounds per minute (ft-lbf/min), foot-pounds per second (ft-lbf/s), btu per minute (BTU/min), erg per second (erg/s).
Intemodino Power Converter is absolutely free and really easy to use.
In addition to conversion power values in decimal format you can convert power values in fractional format. To switch input between decimals and fractions just click the switch button ('⊟'/'▭').
To get the conversion result - just select the from and to power units, enter the value and click the 'CONVERT' button.

Ft-lbf/h conversion formulas and factors

The ft-lbf/h to erg/s conversion factor is 3766.161
1 ft-lbf/h = 3766.161 erg/s
To convert X foot-pounds per hour to erg per second you should use the following conversion formula:
X foot-pounds per hour × 3766.161 = Result in erg per second

The ft-lbf/h to BTU/min conversion factor is 0.00002142
1 ft-lbf/h = 0.00002142 BTU/min
To convert X foot-pounds per hour to btu per minute you should use the following conversion formula:
X foot-pounds per hour × 0.00002142 = Result in btu per minute

The ft-lbf/h to ft-lbf/s conversion factor is 0.00027778
1 ft-lbf/h = 0.00027778 ft-lbf/s
To convert X foot-pounds per hour to foot-pounds per second you should use the following conversion formula:
X foot-pounds per hour × 0.00027778 = Result in foot-pounds per second

The ft-lbf/h to ft-lbf/min conversion factor is 0.01666667
1 ft-lbf/h = 0.01666667 ft-lbf/min
To convert X foot-pounds per hour to foot-pounds per minute you should use the following conversion formula:
X foot-pounds per hour × 0.01666667 = Result in foot-pounds per minute

The ft-lbf/h to hp(M) conversion factor is 0.00000051
1 ft-lbf/h = 0.00000051 hp(M)
To convert X foot-pounds per hour to horsepower (metric) you should use the following conversion formula:
X foot-pounds per hour × 0.00000051 = Result in horsepower (metric)

The ft-lbf/h to hp(E) conversion factor is 0.0000005
1 ft-lbf/h = 0.0000005 hp(E)
To convert X foot-pounds per hour to horsepower (electric) you should use the following conversion formula:
X foot-pounds per hour × 0.0000005 = Result in horsepower (electric)

The ft-lbf/h to kW conversion factor is 0.00000038
1 ft-lbf/h = 0.00000038 kW
To convert X foot-pounds per hour to kilowatts you should use the following conversion formula:
X foot-pounds per hour × 0.00000038 = Result in kilowatts

The ft-lbf/h to W conversion factor is 0.00037662
1 ft-lbf/h = 0.00037662 W
To convert X foot-pounds per hour to watts you should use the following conversion formula:
X foot-pounds per hour × 0.00037662 = Result in watts

Ft-lbf/h conversion chart/table

1 ft-lbf/h = 3766.161 erg/s
1 ft-lbf/h = 0.00002142 BTU/min
1 ft-lbf/h = 0.00027778 ft-lbf/s
1 ft-lbf/h = 0.01666667 ft-lbf/min
1 ft-lbf/h = 0.00000051 hp(M)
1 ft-lbf/h = 0.0000005 hp(E)
1 ft-lbf/h = 0.00000038 kW
1 ft-lbf/h = 0.00037662 W

Hp(M) conversion formulas and factors

The hp(M) to erg/s conversion factor is 7354987500
1 hp(M) = 7354987500 erg/s
To convert X horsepower (metric) to erg per second you should use the following conversion formula:
X horsepower (metric) × 7354987500 = Result in erg per second

The hp(M) to BTU/min conversion factor is 41.82709893
1 hp(M) = 41.82709893 BTU/min
To convert X horsepower (metric) to btu per minute you should use the following conversion formula:
X horsepower (metric) × 41.82709893 = Result in btu per minute

The hp(M) to ft-lbf/s conversion factor is 542.47603897
1 hp(M) = 542.47603897 ft-lbf/s
To convert X horsepower (metric) to foot-pounds per second you should use the following conversion formula:
X horsepower (metric) × 542.47603897 = Result in foot-pounds per second

The hp(M) to ft-lbf/min conversion factor is 32548.5623384
1 hp(M) = 32548.5623384 ft-lbf/min
To convert X horsepower (metric) to foot-pounds per minute you should use the following conversion formula:
X horsepower (metric) × 32548.5623384 = Result in foot-pounds per minute

The hp(M) to ft-lbf/h conversion factor is 1952913.72301928
1 hp(M) = 1952913.72301928 ft-lbf/h
To convert X horsepower (metric) to foot-pounds per hour you should use the following conversion formula:
X horsepower (metric) × 1952913.72301928 = Result in foot-pounds per hour

The hp(M) to hp(E) conversion factor is 0.98592326
1 hp(M) = 0.98592326 hp(E)
To convert X horsepower (metric) to horsepower (electric) you should use the following conversion formula:
X horsepower (metric) × 0.98592326 = Result in horsepower (electric)

The hp(M) to kW conversion factor is 0.73549875
1 hp(M) = 0.73549875 kW
To convert X horsepower (metric) to kilowatts you should use the following conversion formula:
X horsepower (metric) × 0.73549875 = Result in kilowatts

The hp(M) to W conversion factor is 735.49875
1 hp(M) = 735.49875 W
To convert X horsepower (metric) to watts you should use the following conversion formula:
X horsepower (metric) × 735.49875 = Result in watts

Hp(M) conversion chart/table

1 hp(M) = 7354987500 erg/s
1 hp(M) = 41.82709893 BTU/min
1 hp(M) = 542.47603897 ft-lbf/s
1 hp(M) = 32548.5623384 ft-lbf/min
1 hp(M) = 1952913.72301928 ft-lbf/h
1 hp(M) = 0.98592326 hp(E)
1 hp(M) = 0.73549875 kW
1 hp(M) = 735.49875 W

Hp(E) conversion formulas and factors

The hp(E) to erg/s conversion factor is 7460000000
1 hp(E) = 7460000000 erg/s
To convert X horsepower (electric) to erg per second you should use the following conversion formula:
X horsepower (electric) × 7460000000 = Result in erg per second

The hp(E) to BTU/min conversion factor is 42.42429481
1 hp(E) = 42.42429481 BTU/min
To convert X horsepower (electric) to btu per minute you should use the following conversion formula:
X horsepower (electric) × 42.42429481 = Result in btu per minute

The hp(E) to ft-lbf/s conversion factor is 550.2213635
1 hp(E) = 550.2213635 ft-lbf/s
To convert X horsepower (electric) to foot-pounds per second you should use the following conversion formula:
X horsepower (electric) × 550.2213635 = Result in foot-pounds per second

The hp(E) to ft-lbf/min conversion factor is 33013.28180972
1 hp(E) = 33013.28180972 ft-lbf/min
To convert X horsepower (electric) to foot-pounds per minute you should use the following conversion formula:
X horsepower (electric) × 33013.28180972 = Result in foot-pounds per minute

The hp(E) to ft-lbf/h conversion factor is 1980796.89105166
1 hp(E) = 1980796.89105166 ft-lbf/h
To convert X horsepower (electric) to foot-pounds per hour you should use the following conversion formula:
X horsepower (electric) × 1980796.89105166 = Result in foot-pounds per hour

The hp(E) to hp(M) conversion factor is 1.01427773
1 hp(E) = 1.01427773 hp(M)
To convert X horsepower (electric) to horsepower (metric) you should use the following conversion formula:
X horsepower (electric) × 1.01427773 = Result in horsepower (metric)

The hp(E) to kW conversion factor is 0.746
1 hp(E) = 0.746 kW
To convert X horsepower (electric) to kilowatts you should use the following conversion formula:
X horsepower (electric) × 0.746 = Result in kilowatts

The hp(E) to W conversion factor is 746
1 hp(E) = 746 W
To convert X horsepower (electric) to watts you should use the following conversion formula:
X horsepower (electric) × 746 = Result in watts

Hp(E) conversion chart/table

1 hp(E) = 7460000000 erg/s
1 hp(E) = 42.42429481 BTU/min
1 hp(E) = 550.2213635 ft-lbf/s
1 hp(E) = 33013.28180972 ft-lbf/min
1 hp(E) = 1980796.89105166 ft-lbf/h
1 hp(E) = 1.01427773 hp(M)
1 hp(E) = 0.746 kW
1 hp(E) = 746 W

KW conversion formulas and factors

The kW to erg/s conversion factor is 10000000000
1 kW = 10000000000 erg/s
To convert X kilowatts to erg per second you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilowatts × 10000000000 = Result in erg per second

The kW to BTU/min conversion factor is 56.8690279
1 kW = 56.8690279 BTU/min
To convert X kilowatts to btu per minute you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilowatts × 56.8690279 = Result in btu per minute

The kW to ft-lbf/s conversion factor is 737.56214946
1 kW = 737.56214946 ft-lbf/s
To convert X kilowatts to foot-pounds per second you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilowatts × 737.56214946 = Result in foot-pounds per second

The kW to ft-lbf/min conversion factor is 44253.72896745
1 kW = 44253.72896745 ft-lbf/min
To convert X kilowatts to foot-pounds per minute you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilowatts × 44253.72896745 = Result in foot-pounds per minute

The kW to ft-lbf/h conversion factor is 2655223.71454646
1 kW = 2655223.71454646 ft-lbf/h
To convert X kilowatts to foot-pounds per hour you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilowatts × 2655223.71454646 = Result in foot-pounds per hour

The kW to hp(M) conversion factor is 1.35962162
1 kW = 1.35962162 hp(M)
To convert X kilowatts to horsepower (metric) you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilowatts × 1.35962162 = Result in horsepower (metric)

The kW to hp(E) conversion factor is 1.34048257
1 kW = 1.34048257 hp(E)
To convert X kilowatts to horsepower (electric) you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilowatts × 1.34048257 = Result in horsepower (electric)

The kW to W conversion factor is 1000
1 kW = 1000 W
To convert X kilowatts to watts you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilowatts × 1000 = Result in watts

KW conversion chart/table

1 kW = 10000000000 erg/s
1 kW = 56.8690279 BTU/min
1 kW = 737.56214946 ft-lbf/s
1 kW = 44253.72896745 ft-lbf/min
1 kW = 2655223.71454646 ft-lbf/h
1 kW = 1.35962162 hp(M)
1 kW = 1.34048257 hp(E)
1 kW = 1000 W

W conversion formulas and factors

The W to erg/s conversion factor is 10000000
1 W = 10000000 erg/s
To convert X watts to erg per second you should use the following conversion formula:
X watts × 10000000 = Result in erg per second

The W to BTU/min conversion factor is 0.05686903
1 W = 0.05686903 BTU/min
To convert X watts to btu per minute you should use the following conversion formula:
X watts × 0.05686903 = Result in btu per minute

The W to ft-lbf/s conversion factor is 0.73756215
1 W = 0.73756215 ft-lbf/s
To convert X watts to foot-pounds per second you should use the following conversion formula:
X watts × 0.73756215 = Result in foot-pounds per second

The W to ft-lbf/min conversion factor is 44.25372897
1 W = 44.25372897 ft-lbf/min
To convert X watts to foot-pounds per minute you should use the following conversion formula:
X watts × 44.25372897 = Result in foot-pounds per minute

The W to ft-lbf/h conversion factor is 2655.22371455
1 W = 2655.22371455 ft-lbf/h
To convert X watts to foot-pounds per hour you should use the following conversion formula:
X watts × 2655.22371455 = Result in foot-pounds per hour

The W to hp(M) conversion factor is 0.00135962
1 W = 0.00135962 hp(M)
To convert X watts to horsepower (metric) you should use the following conversion formula:
X watts × 0.00135962 = Result in horsepower (metric)

The W to hp(E) conversion factor is 0.00134048
1 W = 0.00134048 hp(E)
To convert X watts to horsepower (electric) you should use the following conversion formula:
X watts × 0.00134048 = Result in horsepower (electric)

The W to kW conversion factor is 0.001
1 W = 0.001 kW
To convert X watts to kilowatts you should use the following conversion formula:
X watts × 0.001 = Result in kilowatts

W conversion chart/table

1 W = 10000000 erg/s
1 W = 0.05686903 BTU/min
1 W = 0.73756215 ft-lbf/s
1 W = 44.25372897 ft-lbf/min
1 W = 2655.22371455 ft-lbf/h
1 W = 0.00135962 hp(M)
1 W = 0.00134048 hp(E)
1 W = 0.001 kW

Monday, January 13, 2025
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